A Parenting Apart group is a one-off workshop for parents to find out how best to manage their separation or divorce. Parents will gain an understanding about the impact of separation on their family and learn what they can do to support their children.
The Parenting Apart groups are currently held at our centres in Hamilton on the last Monday and Friday of each moth. You will have the chance to chat to others who are experiencing similar situations. Groups are hosted by two trained family support specialists, so you can also speak to a professional about any parenting problems or issues about your relationship with your ex-partner following your split.
Parenting Apart currently runs once a month, see our calendar for the next available dates and locations.
Upcoming Parenting Apart group dates: Wednesday 30th March, Friday 1st April, Monday 25th April and Friday 29th April 2016.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many sessions are there and how long do they last?::
Parents attend one three-hour group. Groups are generally run in pairs, with one during the day and one in the evening, to give both parents the chance to go to different groups at around about the same time.
Will my ex-partner be at the same group?::
Parents who have separated generally choose to go to different groups.
Will there be both dads and mums at each group?::
Yes, we try to make sure that the groups are mixed so that a range of views are included.
Will I have to talk about my situation?::
There will be opportunities for discussion and to hear how other parents are managing their separation, but it is up to you what or how much you say. Everyone who attends is asked to treat the session as confidential. The group numbers are limited to help people feel more comfortable.
Who leads the groups?::
Parenting Apart groups are run by people who have been specially trained for this work. They are either experienced family mediators or have had other experience in working with separating families. The content and structure of the groups has been developed by Relationships Scotland with input from a variety of sources including similar groups in other countries.
Can’t I get the information I need from books and the web?::
There is a lot of good information out there, but by coming along to the group, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear from other separated parents. You will appreciate other perspectives, and particularly how it is from the children’s point of view.
How does a Parenting Apart group compare with mediation?::
At a Parenting Apart group, you can get information and hear from other people. In mediation, you and your ex-partner meet with a mediator to talk about your situation and agree how you want to go forward. Many parents find that after attending a Parenting Apart group they have a better understanding of what their children need and they can then work out their plans for the future better with their ex-partner in mediation.
What does it cost?::
There is currently no charge for people Attending Parenting Apart groups as the groups are currently being funded by the Scottish Government.
Do I need to make any preparations or bring anything with me?::
No, just come along willing to listen and we’ll provide the rest.
After I’ve been to a Parenting Apart group, what other help is available?::
The pack that you get at the group includes suggestions for sources of further help. You may want to ask about the mediation service, child contact centres or counselling services.
I don’t see my children at all at the moment. Can I still come to the session?::
Yes, you will almost certainly hear something useful and many parents in this situation have told us that they have found attending a Parenting Apart group helpful.
How do I book a place at a group?::
Contact us to book a place at the next available group.
Below is a video from us explaining Parenting Apart in more detail.
Upcoming Parenting Apart group dates: Wednesday 30th March, Friday 1st April, Monday 25th April and Friday 29th April 2016.
Get in touch if you’d like to book a place, chat about our Parenting Apart groups or to book an appointment with one of our professionals.